Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Oh yeah...that book I bought and never read...

Church and Postmodern Culture has posted that a follow-up of Jean-Francois Lyotard's The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge has been issued by the Quebec government---along with an abridged version.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Excerpt from a work in progress

For all who thought my Biblical Research paper was a lost cause...Know this: it is still a work in progress. But, for me, this long journey has been less about meeting requirements and more about creating something meaningful, less about laziness and more about finding worthy resources (and the funds to purchase them), less about stating what has already been said and more about thoughtfulness... Here is the tail end of the first section, somewhere around page 15, where I am discussing the "list" of privileges written out by Paul in Romans 9:4-5:

...As was mentioned before, it usually suggested that this so-called list somehow signifies a return to 3:1-2, where Paul initially began describing the benefits of being a Jew. Yet, at this point in the epistle (and in our present review), once each privilege has been closely examined in relation to what has been written before in 3:3-8:39, it is highly unlikely that we should still read these privileges as if they belong simply and exclusively to the Jewish nation—the outward Jews, those who are kinsmen according to the flesh. Furthermore, it is highly unlikely that the privileges specified here were written totally unaware and unrelated to what has now been written since 3:1-2. Indeed, the privileges now exhibit themselves differently. Through Paul’s deliberate efforts, the terms now take on a Christological significance which is more universal in application, and we find those portions of the epistle which preceded ch. 9, particularly 3:3-8:39, forming a basis or constituting, what might properly be called, an index of re-definition. Thus, once each privilege is closely examined, we find in this list another example of the kind of correspondence-in-contrast which has been mentioned above....